
07 December 2022

The artist formerly known as Kanye West has told Tucker Carlson he sees “good things” in Adolph Hitler.

Maybe “Ye,” as he’s now called, should know Hitler would have had him sterilized, then gassed.

Indeed, as a man of color...

14 September 2022

Many media commentators have mentioned that the COVID-19 crisis of 2020 is similar to other national crises that have led the United States into wars that are profitable for the “...

11 September 2022

“You unpatriotic ‘9/11 Truthers’ can have annual conspiracy conventions on 9/11, with a host of speakers. To use a Russian expression, the dogs may bark as the train roars along. You are the dogs, and we are the train. Keep...

01 April 2022

The semi-official United States government plus media lie machine knows that constructing a plausible reason to bomb the crap out of someone all depends on where you begin your narrative. If you...

15 November 2021

Cotton Coated Conspiracy

A book review:

My review of this excellent book is posted at Amazon. Snippit: “Author John Roberts book, Cotton Coated Conspiracy (Book one) is a deep dive into the history of Fayette County,...

05 October 2021

“Unanswered Questions” looks at the events of 9/11 from the perspective of 9/11 families. The author follows the journey of the well known “Jersey Girls” as well as many groups or organizations that grew out of the frustration...


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