
26 July 2023

Israeli President Isaac Herzog added nothing of great value in his speech at the United States Congress on July 19. 

 His was the typical language. He...

19 July 2023

We plunge into the radioactive horror show in Ukraine for our 144th Green Grassroots Election Protection Zoom being rebroadcast during the Solartopia Green Power...

19 July 2023

We plunge into the radioactive horror show in Ukraine for our 144th Green Grassroots Election Protection Zoom being rebroadcast during the Solartopia Green Power...

28 June 2023

Robert Kennedy Jr.s quote on the vaccine issue is this. “I am not and have never been anti-vaccine. I’ve always said that I’m for safe vaccines and robust science and for regulatory agencies that are free from conflicts of interest...

25 June 2023

"Berlusconi is there because others have failed." These words by Italian columnist Massimo Franco were made to the Washington Post in 2018, shortly before the Italian March...

15 June 2023

This author became a firm, unwavering supporter of Robert F Kennedy Jr.'s run for President of the United States of America after I learned he understands and opposes NATO's war against Russia, via Ukraine. The last President who...


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