
crowd protesting in front of state house with sign that says defend roe
04 October 2021

On Saturday, October 2nd 2021 more than 1,000 people attended the Rally for Abortion Justice at the Ohio State House in Downtown Columbus as part of the 2021 National Women's March. Demonstrators in Columbus and at 600 other marches...

19 September 2021

Nick Vasquez and me, shortly before his arrest.


Nick Vasquez and his comrade, Donald, both leaders in the Extinction Rebellion movement, a worldwide environmental group that seeks to prevent the extinction of the human...

14 September 2021

Last weekend, U.S. corporate media continued a 20-year repetition compulsion to evade the central role of the USA in causing vast carnage and misery due to the so-called War on Terror. But millions of Americans...

26 August 2021

Since January, 48 states have introduced at least 389 bills that amount to shameful, outright voter suppression -- and many have already become law.

These racist anti-voter bills limit ballot drop boxes and mail-in voting, reduce...

17 August 2021
An incompetent union-busting Junta is prolonging its control of the legendary Pacifica Radio Network despite the majority demands of its listener/supporters and staff at three of its major stations.  
11 July 2021

Sunday, June 20, 2021


The man who has led the public campaign to expose and prosecute the Indian Residential School Genocide has been nominated for the Order of Canada.

Kevin Annett, the former United Church...


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